November 4, 2007:
Take A Data DriveYes, Report Cards go home this week. Breathe! The cornerstones were set and the foundation is strong. When we began the 2007-2008 school year we determined that we would
Plants Seeds For Success because at Alimacani
It's All About Growth!Let's take a moment to reflect on the Data and Instruction that shows the Standards-Based Way of Work at Alimacani in conjuntion with maintaining alignment with district and state progress monitoring accountability components.
Each grade level holds equal responsibility for the academic achievement of our learners. Baseline and diagnostic assessments were administered beginning in August 2007 and included some of the following instruments targeting specific grade levels:
*K-12 District Writing Prompt
*Math Summatives
*Science Pre-Assessments
*3rd Grade Duval Benchmark Reading/Math Assessments
The beginning of the year is a time to acquire concrete data that gives us a baseline profile of our learners. Teachers take the data and record the results on various Progress/Class Profile Documents. Once the data is recorded then teachers use the data to drive instruction.
The instructional practices at Alimacani and throughout the district are Standards-Based. We begin with the end in mind and thus have a roadmap that paves the way for professional growth and student achievement.
Teachers are constantly
Reflecting on each instructional lesson in an effort to meet the individual needs of each student while engaging our learners in motivating and
Rigorous curriculum components.
When the half way point for the first nine weeks arrived Progress Reports were delivered to parents. Progress Reports should reflect the same language that parents will see on their child's report card. The opportunity to communicate the language of the report card and the Standards-Based language is an on-going process. Open House, Parent Fairs, Parent-Teacher Conferences, phone calls, newsletters, web sites, and planners are but a few tools that help parents understand the difference between the county report card and the Standards-Based language. Remember, there is a new pilot report card that is being reviewed in some schools. There is no timeline on the implementation of the new report card that will mirror the alignment of Standards-Based education. It is the teachers responsiblity to communicate and maintain adequate grades, anecdotal conference notes, formal conference notes, and other concrete data that gives the school and parents a clear picture of each child's performance in their day-to-day work force environment. Progress Reports provide parents, teachers, and students with knowledge that all is well on the academic front or challenges are present. This is also the time to help parents and students understand that with challenges there exist plenty of time for opportunities.
Now that the first nine weeks has past we are
Digging Deeper into our
Soil to produce a Stronger
Harvest of Learners! Data now takes on richer meaning for our teachers. Data now should include teacher assessments that are infused with state mandated FCAT expectations.
Analyzing the data begins with the Leadership Team (LTM) uncovering the layers of FCAT results. It is important to realize that in order to understand patterns/trends previous FCAT results are included in the analysis of data. The Leadership Team provides each teacher with school-wide results and drills down for each grade level, classroom, and student. The LTM provides data analysis professional development sessions school-wide, grade level and/or team based, and indiviudally. This enables teachers to scaffold and differentiate their instruction so that instructional decisions are unpacked and help each student.
Grade Level and/or team meetings as well as Vertical meetings should be taking a close look at student work in conjunction with the data recorded in each teacher's gradebook and Teacher Assessment Notebook. Class profiles provide valuable tools for data analysis that help you see trends/patterns within your class and/or grade level. These trends/patterns enable teachers to make informed decions that will drive instruction and provide our
High Achievers as well as our
At Risk students with differentiate instructional practices that promote student achievement. You will also be able to target strengths and deficits. Identifying strengths affords the opportunity for
Go To Classes/Teachers...while a lens on the deficits/weaknesses identifies areas in need of attention. You will then be able to work as a grade level and/or team with identified target areas. The data conversation needs/must take place at each grade level meeting so that you are addressing the unique needs of each learner.
Drilling down to the individual student level is not a new concept. This practice enables teachers to address individual student levels/needs. Teachers need to leave each meeting with a concret
Action Plan...not just converstaion that says..."Well, this is a problem." An Action Plan will drive the next workshop instructional lesson.
You have heard me say many times...Data is our friend. It becomes our instructional friend when we do more than just input/record numbers. Analyzing the data, determining the course of Action, and leaving with a concrete Action Plan that consist of instructional practices will make a difference for our own professional growth which directly impacts student achievement.
Each grade level has received targeted data analysis training over the course of several years. Each grade level teacher has also received several documents that include helpful resources for ensuring
Rigor in the classroom and collaborting to maximize student performance. Below I have recapped the main points from the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Fact Sheet.
Ask the Right Questions:
*Determine if performance gaps are impacted by curriculum gaps, instructional gaps or both (See MAP Task 4)
Ensure Rigor in the Classroom:
*Cognitive Complexity Classification (CCC)-Review classification system and discuss ramifications for revising instruction
*Determine what moderate and high level instruction looks like for each subject and grade level
*Include students in process of reviewing question stems and practice responses
Become a Test Connoisseur*Understand the levels of questions and ramifications for instruction
*Review and revise instructional strategies and student activities to maintain ongoing moderate and high levels
Released FCAT Tests and Answer Keys: Released FCAT Tests and Questions: Reading-Math-ScienceFCAT Sample Questions: Reading-Writing-Math-Science Teacher Self Assessment is Key:
*Review diagnostic performance using charts to form basis of comparison with whole school, grade level, class by class
*Comparing student FCAT performance to district, whole school, your classroom
*Review instructional practices and student activities to address gaps revealed by performance data
Collaborate to maximize student performance:
*Discuss data as a
TEAM-by grade level, content areas, departments
SHARE strategies and materials used by tachers with highest performing students
Scaffold learning by assigning specific responsibilities at each grade level
*Categorize/Differentiate lessons based upon Standards-Based instruction and work as a
TEAM to move into moderate and high levels
The link below provides valuable FCAT information along with a glossary of Testing Terminology. Once you open the link scroll down and view pages 41-43. You might want to print pages 41-43 and keep in your Teacher Assessment Notebook. You can also Bookmark this URL Address as a Favorite for future reference.
FCAT Information and TerminologyI am thankful to work with a Circle of Professionals where teachers are willing to stretch in an effort to increase instructional
"Rigor" for our students. The engaged motivation and academic growth of our students is directly related to the value we place on our own Professional Culture of Learning Communities. I applaud each individual that is building a TEAM with our Professional Learning Community where respect and everyone working together is appreciated, achieved, and admired!
Alimacani has a bright future as we continue to
Plant Seeds For Success...
It's All Abouth Growth!