Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Voices In The Park by: Anthony Browne

Voices In The Park

You are about to take a journey as you discover the magic within Voices in the Park. A technique known as a Voice Thread will help to unfold the layers of Alimacani's Book of the Month for January 2008.

What is a Voice Thread?
A Voice Thread is a strategy known as digital storytelling. It is an online media album that can hold essentially any type of media (images, documents and videos) and allows people to make comments in 5 different ways - using voice (with a microphone or telephone), text, audio file, or video (with a webcam) - and share them with anyone they wish. A Voice Thread allows group conversations to be collected and shared in one place, from anywhere in the world.

You will be able to interact with the Voice Thread at the bottom of this page. Before we explore the Voice Thread let's take a quick look at the mystical qualities of Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne.

At first glance the reader begins the journey with a mother taking her son and their dog to the park. Readers are quickly transported to a magical world through the use of wondrous illustrations. The characters are not simply a mother, son, and dog. The characters are depicted as chimpanzees. One might remember King Kong, another work by our author.

The story is separated into sections using four voices. The author cleverly denotes shifts in moods with each illustration combined with the use of colors that evoke a certain tone, mood, or feeling. The images reflect the inner thoughts of mankind which can move about like the wind.

The reader should look for clues such as the appearance of the red hat and how its shadow pauses the reader to visualize or emotes a feeling.

As you explore Voices in the Park you will quickly notice that a mere trip to the park can be anything but ordinary...the colors, images, and voices allow the reader to see this trip in various lights.

The Voice Thread below contains a few bits of commentary along with Wonderings and Noticings that I tagged to several pages throughout the course of the reading. Don't forget to ask Ms. Stalls and Wendi Troutman for additional strategies and insight. They conducted one of the breakout sessions during our professional development session from the Perry, Georgia participants. Their breakout session was based on the seminar pertaining to Voices in the Park. I have placed the PowerPoint from the breakout session on the Share Drive in the folder titled BOM. Review the PowerPoint prior to introducing the Book of the Month and Voice Thread to your class.

  • Directions to activate the Voice Thread:
  • If you see a small box outlined in yellow that says: Add a picture of yourself... then just click on the upper right (x) and the box will disappear
  • Next Click on the arrow underneath the author's name to activate the Voice Thread.
  • You may need to adjust the volume on your computer.
  • You can choose to wait for the pages to change automatically or you can click on the arrows to the right or left of the center arrow. These arrows allow you to proceed forward at your own pace or revisit a previous page.

Now, let's explore the creativity that is woven into Voices in the Park as you activate the Voice Thread below!

Integrating Reading and Thinking Strategies with Math

I recently read an article from Educational Leadership. I was impacted by the interwoven use of Reading and Thinking Strategies to enhance Mathematical Conceptual Understanding. We have talked at numerous professional development sessions dealing with the importance of integrating reading strategies across content areas. We have frequently commented on the fact that far too often teachers must literally give students permission to use Reading Strategies when solving math problems or dealing with Social Studies or Science content.

The article referenced to a study that was conducted by by Hiebert and colleagues' in 2003. They analyzed videotapes of 8th grade lessons that were collected from the Third International Math and Science Study. The study concluded that math classrooms in countries that score high on international comparisons of mathematics achievement have commonalities. Those commonalities consist of cultures of teaching and learning that are designed to assist students make connections and build conceptual understanding. The study also found that teachers in these countries assign students challenging math problems and use active questioning and dialogue to assist students and help them see and understand connections. This sparked my attention because conceptional understanding is at the heart of Math Investigations.

In contrast, U.S. teachers that were videotaped did not use questions or conceptual dialogue to help students explore math connections. The teachers viewed the problems as procedural exercises and proceeded to give students formulas and/or tell them where to plug in the numbers. Basically, the teachers told the students the answers. (Stigler & Hiebert, 2004).

Alimacani is a Standards Based school and has utilized the Readers, Writers, and Math Workshop Model with great success. All of the Workshop Models utilize connections, links, in conjunction with our rich metagcognitive strategies. Our work with New Performance Standards and the Workshop Model has proven that total student engagement combined with conversation that is rich in conceptual understanding produces student products that encourage students to converse and think thus promoting improved academic achievement. Research has shown that when students are actively engaged in the learning process academic achievement improves. Research has also proven that simply teaching by telling, lecturing, drilling, taking the pen or pencil out of a childs' hands to show them how to solve a problem or perhaps what word fits are methods that are embedded in the culture of mathematics teaching in the United States. This can be viewed with a lens of practicing the scales on a piano...rote, routine practice each day leaves little to no room for exporation. The old premise that it is easier to give a child the answer rather than guide students to self-explore does not equip our students with the skills that will enable them to solve real-world problems and become life long learners.

The concept that teachers need to teach math for understanding is the first step in changing the culture of mathematical conceptual understanding and problem solving in the U.S. One way to accomplish this goal and help our children soar is to weave together math, language, and cognition. When these areas are woven together they become stronger and more powerful thus enabling our teachers and students to develop richer conceptual understanding.

Arthur Hyde, Professor of Mathematics Education at National-Louis University has worked with K-8 teachers to investigate various ways to help their students become good mathematical problem solvers.

The integration of language, especially reading comprehension and mathematics has increased students cognition. We all are aware that Reading is the process of deriving meaning from written language. This is where the reader is able to engage or interact with the text to create meaning using the content of the text as well as how the text is structured. This applies not only to Reading but also to other content areas.

One of the paramount strategies that enable cognition to improve is through the use of vocabulary development. Holly and Linda have started us on a refresher journey into Vocabulary...A School-Wide Approach. I encourage each Math teacher to stretch vocabulary by including a Math Vocabulary Word Wall that is interactive. If space is an issue consider the use of a chart stand or chart that can be pulled out for use and housed in an accessible/visible location in the classroom...readily available for student use. The chart should be cumulative in nature in an effort to constantly review previous lessons. Remember, when a teacher places value on a strategy or artifact then students will value this strategy or artifact and its use will be frequent and powerful.

Research has identified effective cognitive strategies for students to use in reading comprehension (Harvey & Goudvis, 2007; Keen & Zimmermann, 2007; Miller, 2002), they include:

  • Making Connections

  • Asking Questions

  • Visualizing

  • Inferring and Predicting

  • Determining Importance

  • Synthesizing

  • Metacognitive Monitoring

The above strategies are all too familiar as part of Duval Counties Standards Based Curriculum. These same strategies can be adapted for math and will result in a deep conceptual understanding of abstract ideas. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000) identified five key cognitive processes in which students must engage in order to understand mathematical concepts:

  1. Problem Solving

  2. Reasoning and Proof

  3. Communication

  4. Connections

  5. Representations

Let's take a look at a tried and true strategy/tool used to for reading: The Reading K-W-L Chart:

  • K: What do I know?

  • W: What do I want to learn more about?

  • L: What did I learn?

Teachers adapted the K-W-L tool and formed the K-W-C Math Chart with great success in increasing their students cognition. This can be used during the Work Period of Math Investigation when students are in small groups. This can also be used as a type of Math Conference with a small group of students or as a one-on-one conference. The questions would be presented during the launch portion of Math Investigation or as part of the classroom Rituals and Routines. Here the teacher models the K-W-C questions for the whole class and encourages students to use the questions as they focus on reading story problems. Once the students are in small groups the dialogue continues allowing the questions to serve as a springboard or structure for the students' work and to assist students by connecting problems to prior knowledge. The Math K-W-C Chart:

  • K: What do I know for sure?

  • W: What do I want to find out?

  • C: Are there any special conditions that I have to watch out for?

This type of strategy also lends itself for students to conduct dialogue that will assist them with open-ended or extended response tasks. The study showed that the quality of the students' work improved significantly as demonstrated by their written responses.

The above experiment paved the way for the Braid Model of Problem Solving. This model incorporates seven reading comprehension strategies into four traditional phases of problem solving that consist of:

  1. Understanding

  2. Planning

  3. Carrying Out The Plan

  4. Looking Back

Let's take a look at how the adaption of Making Connections for Math helps students become more proficient at problem solving. We all know that Making Connections is interwoven in all aspects of reading comprehension. Making connections holds true when working with math problems. A teacher's goal should be to provide each child with a variety of connections as they try to solve problems. After all...there certainly is more than one way to solve a problem.

When we began our journey with New Performance Standards and the reading comprehension strategies we were introduced to the familiar connections in reading: Text-to-Self, Text-to-World, and Text-to-Text. If we adapt the same connections to math it will read like this: Math-to-Self (connecting math concepts to prior knowledge and experience); Math-to-World(connecting math concepts to real-world situations, science, and social studies); and Math-to Math (connecting math concepts within and between branches of mathematics or connecting concepts and procedures). Once this is embedded in our students thinking then they are readily able to identify different kinds of connections and bridges have been constructed that will help students cross over and reach greater understanding.

The Braid Model also took a look at the other comprehension strategies and adapted them to Math. The K-W-C process had students viewing the questions to decide what inferences they made and whether those inferences were accurate. Problem solving at its best!

Obviously reading is an integral component of math. Just as Read Alouds increase comprehension conversation, dialogue, questioning, etc., enhance successful learning for math concepts.

The United States is striving to raise the achievement of math for our students. In order to accomplish this goal we need to use a lens that infuses language and thinking into mathematics. This is not an easy task. Teachers and students are asked to realize that we are on a quest that will help us discover the importance of using all modalities, require us to ask relevant questions, and unfold the layers of cognition.

Teachers must be the catalyst to spur students into this new arena of learning. This is indeed a Brave New World! Alimacani's teachers are the bravest and will always strive to enrich their teaching with Research Based Practices that adapt reading strategies, language, and thinking to help Plant Seeds For Success in All Content Areas...It's All About Growth!

Educational Leadership
November 2007
VOL. 65 NO. 3

(Because I am still a novice and haven't figured out how to post credits or quote...I want to remain in compliance and verify credits so...portions that are italized come from the article...I will strive to improve on blogging skills...a journey worth unfolding)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Take A Data Drive

November 4, 2007: Take A Data Drive
Yes, Report Cards go home this week. Breathe! The cornerstones were set and the foundation is strong. When we began the 2007-2008 school year we determined that we would Plants Seeds For Success because at Alimacani It's All About Growth!

Let's take a moment to reflect on the Data and Instruction that shows the Standards-Based Way of Work at Alimacani in conjuntion with maintaining alignment with district and state progress monitoring accountability components.

Each grade level holds equal responsibility for the academic achievement of our learners. Baseline and diagnostic assessments were administered beginning in August 2007 and included some of the following instruments targeting specific grade levels:
*K-12 District Writing Prompt
*Math Summatives
*Science Pre-Assessments
*3rd Grade Duval Benchmark Reading/Math Assessments

The beginning of the year is a time to acquire concrete data that gives us a baseline profile of our learners. Teachers take the data and record the results on various Progress/Class Profile Documents. Once the data is recorded then teachers use the data to drive instruction.

The instructional practices at Alimacani and throughout the district are Standards-Based. We begin with the end in mind and thus have a roadmap that paves the way for professional growth and student achievement.

Teachers are constantly Reflecting on each instructional lesson in an effort to meet the individual needs of each student while engaging our learners in motivating and Rigorous curriculum components.

When the half way point for the first nine weeks arrived Progress Reports were delivered to parents. Progress Reports should reflect the same language that parents will see on their child's report card. The opportunity to communicate the language of the report card and the Standards-Based language is an on-going process. Open House, Parent Fairs, Parent-Teacher Conferences, phone calls, newsletters, web sites, and planners are but a few tools that help parents understand the difference between the county report card and the Standards-Based language. Remember, there is a new pilot report card that is being reviewed in some schools. There is no timeline on the implementation of the new report card that will mirror the alignment of Standards-Based education. It is the teachers responsiblity to communicate and maintain adequate grades, anecdotal conference notes, formal conference notes, and other concrete data that gives the school and parents a clear picture of each child's performance in their day-to-day work force environment. Progress Reports provide parents, teachers, and students with knowledge that all is well on the academic front or challenges are present. This is also the time to help parents and students understand that with challenges there exist plenty of time for opportunities.

Now that the first nine weeks has past we are Digging Deeper into our Soil to produce a Stronger Harvest of Learners! Data now takes on richer meaning for our teachers. Data now should include teacher assessments that are infused with state mandated FCAT expectations.

Analyzing the data begins with the Leadership Team (LTM) uncovering the layers of FCAT results. It is important to realize that in order to understand patterns/trends previous FCAT results are included in the analysis of data. The Leadership Team provides each teacher with school-wide results and drills down for each grade level, classroom, and student. The LTM provides data analysis professional development sessions school-wide, grade level and/or team based, and indiviudally. This enables teachers to scaffold and differentiate their instruction so that instructional decisions are unpacked and help each student.

Grade Level and/or team meetings as well as Vertical meetings should be taking a close look at student work in conjunction with the data recorded in each teacher's gradebook and Teacher Assessment Notebook. Class profiles provide valuable tools for data analysis that help you see trends/patterns within your class and/or grade level. These trends/patterns enable teachers to make informed decions that will drive instruction and provide our High Achievers as well as our At Risk students with differentiate instructional practices that promote student achievement. You will also be able to target strengths and deficits. Identifying strengths affords the opportunity for Go To Classes/Teachers...while a lens on the deficits/weaknesses identifies areas in need of attention. You will then be able to work as a grade level and/or team with identified target areas. The data conversation needs/must take place at each grade level meeting so that you are addressing the unique needs of each learner.

Drilling down to the individual student level is not a new concept. This practice enables teachers to address individual student levels/needs. Teachers need to leave each meeting with a concret Action Plan...not just converstaion that says..."Well, this is a problem." An Action Plan will drive the next workshop instructional lesson.

You have heard me say many times...Data is our friend. It becomes our instructional friend when we do more than just input/record numbers. Analyzing the data, determining the course of Action, and leaving with a concrete Action Plan that consist of instructional practices will make a difference for our own professional growth which directly impacts student achievement.

Each grade level has received targeted data analysis training over the course of several years. Each grade level teacher has also received several documents that include helpful resources for ensuring Rigor in the classroom and collaborting to maximize student performance. Below I have recapped the main points from the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Fact Sheet.

*Ask the Right Questions:
*Determine if performance gaps are impacted by curriculum gaps, instructional gaps or both (See MAP Task 4)

*Ensure Rigor in the Classroom:
*Cognitive Complexity Classification (CCC)-Review classification system and discuss ramifications for revising instruction
*Determine what moderate and high level instruction looks like for each subject and grade level
*Include students in process of reviewing question stems and practice responses

Become a Test Connoisseur
*Understand the levels of questions and ramifications for instruction
*Review and revise instructional strategies and student activities to maintain ongoing moderate and high levels

Released FCAT Tests and Answer Keys:

Released FCAT Tests and Questions: Reading-Math-Science

FCAT Sample Questions: Reading-Writing-Math-Science

Teacher Self Assessment is Key:
*Review diagnostic performance using charts to form basis of comparison with whole school, grade level, class by class
*Comparing student FCAT performance to district, whole school, your classroom
*Review instructional practices and student activities to address gaps revealed by performance data

Collaborate to maximize student performance:
*Discuss data as a TEAM-by grade level, content areas, departments
*SHARE strategies and materials used by tachers with highest performing students
*Scaffold learning by assigning specific responsibilities at each grade level
*Categorize/Differentiate lessons based upon Standards-Based instruction and work as a TEAM to move into moderate and high levels

The link below provides valuable FCAT information along with a glossary of Testing Terminology. Once you open the link scroll down and view pages 41-43. You might want to print pages 41-43 and keep in your Teacher Assessment Notebook. You can also Bookmark this URL Address as a Favorite for future reference.
FCAT Information and Terminology

I am thankful to work with a Circle of Professionals where teachers are willing to stretch in an effort to increase instructional "Rigor" for our students. The engaged motivation and academic growth of our students is directly related to the value we place on our own Professional Culture of Learning Communities. I applaud each individual that is building a TEAM with our Professional Learning Community where respect and everyone working together is appreciated, achieved, and admired!

Alimacani has a bright future as we continue to Plant Seeds For Success...It's All Abouth Growth!

Friday, October 19, 2007

A Whole New Mind

A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink has provided me with a crisp lens for viewing the magic of the human brain. The journey you take with this book will amaze you as you realize we are preparing our children for a workforce that embraces research based practices with creativity and relationship building.

As educators we must latch onto opportunities that purposefully prepare our children for their life today and tomorrow. Daniel Pink's book talks about the Left-Brain thinkers and the characteristics of the Right-Brain thinkers.

Left-Brain thinkers/workers showcase the analytical research based approach as compared to Right-Brain thinkers/workers who venture into the realm of creativity and relationship building.

The workforce as we know it today is moving its focus. The future workforce will capitalize on Left-Brain thinkers/workers who embrace Right-Brain components and dive into the creative aspects of the workforce environment.

When we view education today we realize that most of the workforce revolves around research and skills. It is so valuable to breathe in the knowledge one consumes from researched based practices. Teachers need to unpack the research to increase their knowledge base in an effort to impact student achievement. I am reminded of the need to breathe in knowledge each time I reflect on the quote from Margaret Fuller: "If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it."The enthusiasm that teachers invest in educating our children cannot be ignored. This is where teachers can open the door to Right-Brain creativity and relationship building.

The ability to deliver the curriculum is just one aspect of teaching. Providing engaging, inspiring lessons that will infuse a love for learning is what makes teaching a passion for educators.

The task for educators is to factor in research and nourish creativity coupled with relationship building into the equation so that No Child Is Left Behind. This practice will provide wondrous opportunities that meet the needs of each diverse learner.

A Whole New Mind presents us with the opportunity to provide a environment filled with the aroma of creativity while building relationships and exploring rigorous depths for learning that have the potential to produce outstanding results.

We believe at Alimacani that we are on the right path by utilizing Left-Brain practices mirrored with Right-Brain creativity and relationship building.

Alimacani's mission is to provide children with an environment - Where Education Is A Treasure And Children Are Inspired To Reach For Their Dreams.