Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our Iceberg Is Melting by: John Kotter

Our Iceberg Is Melting is all about change accompanied by the desire and striving it takes to succeed under any condition. This is a fable: You know...when you take often confusing or serious subjects and make them clear, approachable, and hopefully memorable.

The setting for our story is Antarctica and our characters are marvelous Penguins. Not just your run of the mill penguins but magnificent Emperor Penguins. I just love these penguins because their tuxedo type coat helps me to visualize that they always appear to be going to some grand event like the know in the old days when people wore something other than jeans to memorable events or perhaps a magical formal wedding.

A glimpse into this book is going to be a bit different in that I am going to reference you to the author's web page for additional insight. I hope you will be inspired to investigate and discover that remaining complacent will inevitably lead to lack of growth and probable failure.

As you take this journey substitute the penguins for educators and see where your path becomes crystal clear as you Make Dreams Come True! This journey is not for those who do not wish to change, are stubborn, or faint of heart. This quest is for individuals that value the premise that it will serve our children if we get our minds off of ourselves and help meet the needs of someone else. Sowing these types of Seeds is when educators and students receive a Bountiful Harvest and Dreams Really Do Come True.

We all know the saying that goes something to the effect that if you do what you did you will get what you got...Well, the same holds true for the Seeds that you Sow. You will Reap what you Sow. The question is...Do you want a meager, dried up crop or a bountiful harvest of professional educators and accomplished students? Let's challenge each other to be More Seed-Oriented than need-oriented.

The story unfolds when one penguin discovers a potentially devastating problem with the iceberg they currently call home. Each major penguin character has a name. It is not a stretch for us to identify with several of the characters. Look at each character carefully and with purposeful resolve.

The penguin's tale is one of resistance to change accompanied by those penguins that see the necessity for change and thus establish a core team whose purpose is to motivate and inspire others to adapt to the change and even become creative in order to survive and prosper. I dare say that the penguins handle the very real challenges a great deal better than most humans.

I am certain that by now you have retrieved your prior knowledge and drawn a reference to the ever popular story of Who Moved My Cheese. While both stories are about change the story of the penguins and their challenges provides the reader with a plan for change management. The story also can serve as a catalyst for discussion between individuals, grade levels, and/or teams. I encourage each of you to take the different scenarios presented in this fable and use a lens that allows you to visualize real-life problems that occur with individuals, as a grade level, cross grade levels, and/or within your own team. Think in terms such as:

  • What is my iceberg?

  • Am I living on a melting iceberg?

  • Am I living on an iceberg that could melt?

Remember, for the purpose of this fable...icebergs come in various forms. How will you handle what you discover in this story to ignite you to become a better teacher or perhaps a more receptive co-worker? Share with others strategies or ideas. After all...things typically turn out better when everyone is on the same page or at least willing to pick up the paddles and commence rowing.

One final thought before I share some of the meat of the research that John Kotter has provided:
Handle the challenge of change well, and you can prosper greatly.
Handle it poorly, and you put yourself and others at risk

Let's compare The Iceberg Manifesto with Alimacani's Vision/Mission Statement:

The Iceberg Manifesto:
We strongly believe that the world needs much more action from a broader range of people-action that is informed, committed, and inspired-to help us all in an era of increasing change.

Where Education Is A Treasure And Children Are Inspired To Reach For Their Dreams.

If we are to accomplish or live up to our Vision/Mission then we certainly must believe that action from a broader range of people is required. This action must also include decisions that are informed, committed, and inspired. We value education at Alimacani and believe that education is indeed the noblest of professions. This belief system spurs each educator to live the Alimacani Vision of viewing education as a Treasure Where Children Are Inspired To Reach For Their Dreams!

Each individual needs to communicate their vision and or ideas and their voice must be heard. All participants need to feel enpowered. You may very well need to step outside of your comfort zone or individual classroom in order to survive and thrive for your children and yourself.
Discover what you will learn when you venture out...don't become complacent...don't let up!

Succeeding in a Changing World-Video withJohn Kotter
As you view the video think about interchanging institutions with schools, classrooms, classroom, teachers, etc...

The 8-Step Change Process
This is a summary on the successful change research John Kotter has conducted.

Tools for Change
Our Iceberg is Melting, the book
Tips for Change Leaders Products, Services, and Freebies Related Books and Links

Now that you are ready to experience what you will learn when you venture out take a moment to view the video below and wondrously realize that "YOU" Make A Difference!

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